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Crispy Roasted Chickpea Bark

Crispy Roasted Chickpea Bark

 Chickpeas are a funny thing.


They're sort of gross, let's be honest. Ever crack open a can of chickpeas and eat one? Probably not because they smell about as good as they look. 

But the weird thing about them is they're so good in so many different ways. Hummus? Amazing! Chickpea cookies? Surprisingly good. Roasted until crispy crunchy? My favorite way to eat 'em.  


I figured they could only get better covered in chocolate, right?  

I am on a total 100% only interested in autumn things kick. I'm pinning fall things, reading fall things, listening to fall things (I listen to the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack regularly), and definitely DEFINITELY cooking fall things. So I spiced these generously with some autumnal seasonings.


HEY. Why is loving fall things considered basic? Like I get it, PSL scarf boots yadda yadda but all of those things are such wonderful things. And having seasons, like distinct, fleeting changes to our surroundings, are some of the best things about life on THIS EARTH omg I'm going to deep.  

But I still think we're too hard on ourselves sometimes. Just because you like pumpkin beer and boot socks doesn't mean you have to hashtag basic or no one will ever like you again (I'm talking to myself here). 

Treat yo self to an apple cider donut (or an autumn spiced pear donut) and Instagram the hell out of it cause you love fall and are soooo not basic. 


I like to roast the chickpeas until they are just a whisper away from burnt to a crisp. I can't handle a slightly chewy chickpea. You may be more sane in your texture preferences so roast accordingly! The end result is reminiscent of a butterfinger and I am thrilled with that. And you HAVE to put flaked sea salt on top of this and in every other recipe you ever make again.

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream with Candied Pepitas

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream with Candied Pepitas

Autumn Spiced Pear Donuts

Autumn Spiced Pear Donuts