
Welcome to Morton’s Grove!

Quinoa Oat Blender Pancakes

I’m obsessed with making weird things out of quinoa.  


Not that pancakes are weird (you are definitely not weird my sweet little pancakes). 

I love gluten but when you have a tight grocery budget (or hell, when you’re feeding kids and want them to like you) it’s easy to find yourself eating bread/crackers/pasta/ pancakes like, all the time. I’ve been testing out new breakfast recipes that don't rely so heavily on flour to make room for some good stuff. 


My thought process: if quinoa can be brownies, it can TOTALLY be pancakes (right?). Well it worked. They are super filling and have that delicious waffle-cone-at-six-flags vanilla flava. If you are a fan of the ole oat-egg-nana pancakes, you will LOVE these. They are closer in texture to this recipes, though more pancakey and not at all banana-eggy.


Austin loves stereotypical pancakes. They better be fluffy, white as the driven snow with not a flick of flax or oat, melt in your mouth little puffs of processed air. He still liked these but told me I better make it known that they are more dense than traditional pancakes. I took that as a positive because typical pancakes are SUPER DELICIOUS but sometimes make me feel groggy and blah followed by OMG I’M HUNGRY AGAIN. 

 You can whip these up in a food processor or blender. Even though my blender always smells like it’s on fire, I actually choose it for these so I could easily pour them into the pan. 

Quinoa Oat Pancake


8 Breakfast Ideas to Try (like, right now)

Whole Food Chocolate Donut Snack Bites (or cookies!)

Whole Food Chocolate Donut Snack Bites (or cookies!)