
Welcome to Morton’s Grove!

Christmas Tablescape with Rosie at Sock Box 10


Meet Rosie. She is the author of the food blog Sock Box 10, an ode to the large crew of siblings she is a part of. Rosie’s blog is one of those amazing and addictive blogs you might stumble across on Pinterest when you’re supposed to be working and then look at the clock and 3 hours has gone by. It’s full of recipes that have been made again and again over the years so that each one is tied to a slew of memories and stories, which she shares like a professional storyteller (that’s a thing, right?). 


When I asked Rosie if she’d like to help me put together a holiday table, she said great and asked if we could talk in person about it. I 100% thought that meant on the phone (I hate the term millennial but I am SUCH a millennial). Anyway, we eventually connected to plan and create a Christmas table together featuring some of her many festive recipes. One of my very favorite ways to spend a naptime is awing over beautiful magazine and blog tablescapes. I wanted to try one and I knew just the lady to help.


Rosie put together two cheese boards that I’ve actually dreamt about since. You can ask Carl the pup all about Rosie’s excellent cheese selecting ability - she snatched an entire wheel of Brie from the table right after we’d finished shooting and wolfed it down like there was no tomorrow. You can follow Rosie’s steps to making the most festive cheese board here. She also whipped up some caramel pecan popcorn. Make a batch and put it in jars of varying sizes tied with ribbon and a little name tag for place settings that will 100% get eaten before dinner starts. 


Cute and classic little gingerbread guys are alternately great place settings either piped with guest names or left blank and tied with some festive string (I feel like a kid pretending to be Martha Stewart while my sister films me with a fake video camera circa 1995). Rosie’s gingerbread recipe is a classic and one you'll use every year (You can once again consult Carl on this, she ate at least 3 cookies).


One of the most unique things about Rosie (aside from her of creativity/generosity/good humor) is her ability to bake the most delicious bread. I feel like baking bread on this level takes experience but she has shared her famous recipe that breaks it down so anyone can give it a shot. It's famous around here.


Thanks again Rosie for helping this table come to life!  


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