
Welcome to Morton’s Grove!

Toddler Yoga at Morton's Grove

Toddler yoga is real! 


​I didn't really believe it was possible at first, i just sort of pretended to so some of you guys would come over and hang out with me. 


But it really happened! Most of the kids were around 2-3 years old, and they actually listened and participated! Except for Ruthie, she wasn't having it. I've been experiencing big giant major tantrums for the first time recently, and for the love of God PARENTING IS SO HARD. The instructor's sweet assistant asked Ruthie if she would like a feather. Ruthie was majorly offended and responded OF COURSE NOT! Maybe next time Ruthie girl!


April Thrift (yoga instructor for all ages and stages at iBloom) led the session, starting with a simple craft activity: assembling a yoga foot dream catcher (a little foot cutout with streamers and feathers attached).


Following the craft came a story with frequent breaks to incorporate yoga stretches. Toddlers are (can be?) so freakin' cute. April called out questions to them and they always had the craziest and cutest answers. When pulling on their pretend yoga pants, April asked "what color are your pants?". Little cutie Peyton shouted in answer "maybe just brown?!".


My goal with Morton's Grove is to become a resource for building healthy families with food + nutrition and fun events + programs that celebrate the whole baby (+ mama). This yoga sesh was my first attempt to wrangle some people into this dream with me. Thank you to everyone who was a part of our first toddler yoga. It means so much that you spent your Saturday with us! 


After everyone left, Ruthie spent hours doing tree (aka flamingo) and happy baby in the barn.  


Contact April Thrift at iBloom for more information on toddler yoga or to see her class schedule. 


Yoga Stretches for Babywearers

Figuring out Productivity as a Stay-at-home Mom