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We wrote a book! The BLW Baby Food Cookbook

We wrote a book! The BLW Baby Food Cookbook

Last spring I had a hard time falling asleep so I turned on the lamp next to my bed and busted out about a million pages of allllll the advice I would give to anyone interested in learning about introducing solids. I wrote it with my sister and sister-in-law in mind, I wrote it like I was writing to them (they were both pregnant at the time and now have thriving little 6 month olds). I wrote it from the perspective of a mom: everything I wished I had known about introducing solids and without all the erroneous (and CRAZY) information I’d uncovered in the process. I also wrote it from the perspective of a dietitian: covering all the nutrition bases in a way that is functional and NOT overwhelming to parents.

So after I wrote everything down on 500 pages of wrinkled looseleaf paper that I somehow found under my bed (it was now 3 am), I laid awake thinking “now what do I do?”. A series of blog posts? An eBook?? I had no clue but I was feeling pumped about it, that’s for sure.

A few days later I got a call from my friend Ellen who had been approached by a publisher to write a book on literally every single topic I had written on those pages….and she was asking for my help on the project! Couldn’t freaking believe the luck but obviously I was in.


We spent the following months writing furiously in the margins of being at home with our little ones until the book was released and is out in the world right. this. very. second.

What makes it different

  • Allergen Introduction: A section filled with the latest research on preventing food allergies along with details on how to safely introduce allergenic foods. Bonus: many of the recipes were created with these allergens in mind to keep them in your regular meal rotation! (For more on introducing allergens, check out this post).

  • Everyday recipes with simple ingredients: I LOVE cookbooks, I’ve been reading and collecting them since I was a kid. But now that I have two little ones, I need recipes that are short and sweet with ingredients I can pick up at Aldi.

  • Tips and recipes to soothe teething babes.

  • Everything you need to know about constipation (and how to prevent it).

  • What “whole foods” actually means, and how to choose and prepare real, whole foods and reduce processed foods.

  • How to prepare foods for the whole family in a way that is safe for baby.

  • BLW on the go and at restaurants.


One last thing, it was written by a couple of non-professional writers. I mean that in a good way, it was written by two moms speaking to a bunch of other moms and dads who could use some easy to absorb info on how to introduce solids with baby-led weaning. Ellen and I are both registered dietitians experienced in practicing BLW with our own kids, and also teaching it to others, but we’re just here to share information that we wished we had access to when first feeding our own little ones.


Feeding is a parenting decision which means it is 100% up to you how you choose to introduce solids. We hope to provide the knowledge to get started with confidence. Let us know what you think of the book in the comments below!

you can check out the BLW Baby Food Cookbook through the link below. This is an affiliate link, which means a small chunk of the sale goes directly to me and my babes!

Check out Ellen’s FB page for great BLW info, class registration, and recipe ideas!

Preventing food allergies with early introduction

Preventing food allergies with early introduction

Important nutrients for BLW babes

Important nutrients for BLW babes